The PWDCA offers a wealth of information both for breeders' education and information for breeders to share with potential puppy buyers. PWDCA
A new member water information handout for all our breeders to download and share with their puppy owners.
New Member Water Information
New Member Water Information
The Revival Health Learning Center has seminars and blogs on a myriad of topics about puppy whelping, rearing and helping puppy owners with health issues. Another great resource!
Revival Health Learning Center
Revival Health Learning Center
For those on Facebook, consider joining the Canine Fertility, Reproduction and Neonatal Issues. This is monitored by experienced, long-time breeders and has many members well versed in whelping and rearing puppies.
Canine Fertility, Reproduction and Neonatal Issues
Canine Fertility, Reproduction and Neonatal Issues