Trick Dog:
AKC Trick Dog was introduced as a wonderful way to earn a title by teaching your dog tricks of all kinds. Dogs perform individual tricks to earn a Trick Dog title. At the highest level of performance, Trick Dog routines tell a story. Tricks are categorized by their level of difficulty, and at the higher the level of competition, the more difficult the tricks your dog will need to perform. These titles can even be done virtually by sending in a video of your dog doing the tricks to AKC!
AKC Trick Dog was introduced as a wonderful way to earn a title by teaching your dog tricks of all kinds. Dogs perform individual tricks to earn a Trick Dog title. At the highest level of performance, Trick Dog routines tell a story. Tricks are categorized by their level of difficulty, and at the higher the level of competition, the more difficult the tricks your dog will need to perform. These titles can even be done virtually by sending in a video of your dog doing the tricks to AKC!